You can only treat what you can see. HD video scopes have quickly become the standard in many gastroenterology procedures due to the ability to examine various patterns with greater clarity than traditional fiber or SD video scopes.
With LED light, HD scope support, and Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) built into one, compact box, the CV-170 provides physicians with exceptional diagnostic tools.
Advanced Imaging
Greater Efficiency
High-definition image processing technology, which significantly improves the visibility and evaluation of minute lesions when compared with Standard definition. It is compatible with the latest 90 Series endoscopes, equipped with several industry innovations, including a three-phase graduated flexibility insertion tube.
The non-invasive gold standard solution for comprehensive management of liver health FibroScan As a pioneer in the field of liver-related elastography, FibroScan is recognized worldwide as the non-invasive gold standard solution for liver fibrosis and liver steatosis assessment unique, patented, and validated for liver fibrosis assessment. It is the standard for the non-invasive evaluation of liver stiffness. CAP is a point-of-care, standardized and reproducible technique, promising for the detection of liver steatosis. patented and validated for liver steatosis assessment can be used to accurately diagnose cirrhosis at an acceptable rate of false negatives and false positives in patients with chronic liver disease. Patented and validated for portal hypertension assessment and can be used for risk stratification of patients with advanced chronic liver disease.